GOSTs standardize a lot, including how it is possible or impossible to delimit areas. So, for example, the standards prescribe to delimit neighboring areas with transparent fences. Since the border is usually long, it is desirable that the fence is inexpensive. Actually, the choice is not great - a fence made of a chain-link mesh ...
Looking at ordinary fences, no matter how beautiful, is a dubious pleasure. In order to make them look more attractive, they are decorated in all possible ways. One of the most effective is a hedge. With its help, you can not only close yourself from prying eyes, ...
The construction of a fence begins with solving a difficult problem: it is necessary to choose a foundation for the fence. On the one hand, it is necessary that it is not mowed in the spring, when heaving, on the other hand, it is reluctant to bury extra money. So you have to solve the puzzle, choosing which of the grounds you need - just put ...
We make the first impression of the house and the cottage even before we entered the territory, sometimes - before we saw the house itself. The first thing that catches your eye is the fence. Everything else is after, and the first impression is from the fence. Some, ...
In recent years, more and more often you can see not only new wooden houses, but also fences. The people take such a step deliberately: the products are very beautiful. They even agree to tint them regularly, and as long as it stays, it stays that long. If you are ...
In recent years, the fashion for wooden buildings leads to the fact that more and more developers think that a metal fence may not be the best solution. From the point of view of durability, maybe yes, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is inferior to wood. Wood …
One of the most inexpensive fences for a summer residence or a private house is corrugated board. Its design is simple - dug-in pillars, to which transverse lags are attached. A profiled sheet is attached to this lattice with screws or rivets. Everything is really simple, especially if you know how to use welding ...
Gates and a wicket made of corrugated board belong to the budget category: it does not take much time and materials to make them. However, if you choose a model of conventional swing gates without artistic additions.There are also options with forging elements, here the complexity of the work is already greater, the costs are much ...
Hinged gates are good for everyone: they are simple and cheap. But in winter, when there is a lot of snow, they can only be opened thoroughly with a shovel. When you need to go to work, this is not at all happy. Sliding or, as they say, sliding / sliding gates are devoid of this drawback. One-piece design that covers ...
A beautiful gate is good, and a beautiful automatic gate is even better. There are a considerable number of companies that will make the gate and install the automation, but as usual, I want to save money: their services are not cheap. Many companies sell automation kits, and install and ...