Someone wants to keep chickens on the site or dacha for the soul, and someone for saving. It does not matter. It is important that they need a room - a chicken coop. And then a lot of questions immediately arise: what size, from what, how to make, what should be inside. After all …
It is not enough to build a good shed for chickens, you also need to equip it: fix the perches, make nests, put / hang drinkers, feeders. But this should be done so that it is convenient for you to maintain the poultry house. Chickens don't really care how beautiful their nests are. They are wonderful ...
Most of our country is heated by wood-burning stoves. If not at home, then firewood is definitely needed in the country or in the bathhouse. But firewood is bought raw and needs to be dried somewhere. To do this, they are stacked in woodpiles or special sheds are built - woodsheds ...
A barn is a necessary building on a private courtyard in the city and in the village. You can't do without it even in the country. Gradually, more and more tools, equipment, building materials are accumulating that need to be stored somewhere. A safe haven for all of these things is a metal shed. If …
Whatever the area of the house, you cannot do without a barn on the site. Not everything can and should be brought into the house, even if there is a place, and if not, then even more so - outbuildings are necessary. By the way, this may be the first ...