DIY dressing room

The dressing room will help to organize the storage of things correctly. Convenient if it has an entrance from the bedroom. Business and casual clothes are usually stored here. In this case, part of the room is fenced off along the wall or some corner, arranged in the pantry. The second location option is with an entrance from the hallway or corridor. Outerwear and sportswear, sports equipment are kept in such dressing rooms. If space permits, the place is fenced off, if not, the problem is solved by moving the walls or using utility rooms (storage rooms).

A dressing room is usually made using drywall. This technology allows you to get a ready-made partition in a matter of days, without any special material costs. You can also use aerated concrete building blocks, but this technology is not used very often.

The last but very important stage is internal organization of the dressing room... The presence of a large number of shelves, drawers, ordinary rungs and pantographs explains the incredible amount of things that fit in a relatively small space. Even in a small dressing room you can find storage space for an ironing board and vacuum cleaner, which are extremely difficult to attach. At the same time, sliding doors save space and serve as interior decoration.

Examples of filling with different layouts

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Air inlet valve

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An example of the organization of space in the dressing room (indicating the minimum sizes for different types of clothing)

Probably the most convenient storage device is the dressing room. After all, it's really great when all the details of the wardrobe are in one place and you can immediately assess how well the newly selected set is combined, and not run from the room to ...


